List of Famous people with last name Abay

Aydo Abay

First Name Aydo
Born on May 29, 1973 (age 51)

Aydo Abay is a German singer and songwriter raised in Koblenz, Germany. He is of Turkish descent. Abay is mainly known for being the frontman for the German indie rock quartet Blackmail (1995–2008). He has also started his own solo band project known as "KEN".

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Süleyman Abay

First Name Süleyman
Last Name Abay
Born on May 13, 1973 (age 51)
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Korhan Abay

First Name Korhan
Born on January 1, 1954 (age 70)
Born in Amasya Province

Korhan Abay is a Turkish actor, author, film director and producer.

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