List of Famous people born in Williamsburg, United States of America

Lawrence Taylor

Lawrence Julius Taylor, nicknamed "L.T.", is an American former professional American football player. Taylor played his entire professional career as a linebacker for the New York Giants (1981–1993) in the National Football League (NFL).

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David Berman

David Craig Berman
First Name David
Last Name Berman
Born on January 4, 1967
Died on August 7, 2019 (aged 52)

David Cloud Berman was an American musician, singer, poet and cartoonist best known for his work founding and fronting the indie-rock band the Silver Jews. Although the band primarily existed as a recording project for most of its existence, the Silver Jews toured regularly from 2005 until 2009. In January 2009, Berman announced his retirement from music in hopes of finding a meaningful way of undoing the damage that his estranged father Richard Berman, a lobbyist and public relations executive for the alcohol and tobacco industries among others, had brought upon society.

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William L. Scott

First Name William
Last Name Scott
Born on July 1, 1915
Died on February 14, 1997 (aged 81)

William Lloyd Scott was an American Republican politician from the Commonwealth of Virginia. He served in both the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate, and was Virginia's first post-Reconstruction Republican Senator.

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Henry St. George Tucker, Sr.

First Name Henry
Last Name Sr.
Born on December 29, 1780
Died on August 28, 1848 (aged 67)

Henry St. George Tucker Sr. was a Virginia jurist, law professor, and U.S. Congressman (1815–1819).

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Walter Jones

First Name Walter
Last Name Jones
Born on December 18, 1745
Died on December 31, 1815 (aged 70)

Walter Jones was an 18th- and 19th-century politician and physician from Virginia.

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Edmund Randolph

First Name Edmund
Last Name Randolph
Born on August 10, 1753
Died on September 12, 1813 (aged 60)

Edmund Jennings Randolph was an American attorney and politician. He was the 7th Governor of Virginia, and, as a delegate from Virginia, he attended the Constitutional Convention and helped to create the national constitution while serving on its Committee of Detail. He was the 1st United States Attorney General and subsequently the 2nd Secretary of State during George Washington's presidency.

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Littleton Waller Tazewell

First Name Littleton
Last Name Tazewell
Born on December 17, 1774
Died on May 6, 1860 (aged 85)

Littleton Waller Tazewell was a Virginia lawyer, plantation owner and politician who served as U.S. Representative, U.S. Senator and the 26th Governor of Virginia, as well as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates.

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William Hodges Mann

First Name William
Last Name Mann
Born on July 30, 1843
Died on December 12, 1927 (aged 84)

William Hodges Mann was a Virginia lawyer, Confederate soldier and Democratic politician who became the first judge of Nottoway County, Virginia and the last Confederate veteran to serve as the Governor of Virginia.

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John Blair Jr.

First Name John
Last Name Jr.
Born on April 17, 1732
Died on August 31, 1800 (aged 68)

John Blair Jr. was an American politician, Founding Father and jurist.

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Richard Coke

First Name Richard
Last Name Coke
Born on March 13, 1829
Died on May 14, 1897 (aged 68)

Richard Coke was an American lawyer, farmer, and statesman from Waco, Texas. He was the 15th governor of Texas from 1874 to 1876 and represented Texas in the U.S. Senate from 1877 to 1895. His uncle was Congressman Richard Coke, Jr..

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