List of Famous people born in United States Virgin Islands

Seba Johnson

First Name Seba
Last Name Johnson
Born on May 1, 1973 (age 51)

Seba Johnson is an African American Olympic athlete, actress, and vegan animal rights activist. She was the first black woman to ski at the Olympics, and the youngest alpine ski racer in Olympic history.

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Knud Flemming Helweg-Larsen

First Name Knud
Last Name Helweg-Larsen
Born on July 20, 1911
Died on January 5, 1946 (aged 34)

Flemming Helweg-Larsen was a Danish man convicted of the murder of Carl Henrik Clemmensen. He was subsequently executed in the first application of the death penalty by Denmark in 54 years.

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Kevin Sheppard

Kevin Sheppard is a United States Virgin Islands basketball player and former football striker. He became the subject of the documentary The Iran Job which covers his 2008-2009 season with the A.S. Shiraz team in Iran. He is the joint top scorer for his footballing national team

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Mekia Cox

First Name Mekia
Born on November 18, 1981 (age 43)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Mekia Cox is an American actress and dancer, known for her recurring role as Sasha in the second and third seasons of The CW drama 90210 and her role as a dancer in the Michael Jackson concert series This Is It and the related film Michael Jackson's This Is It. In 2010, she assumed a supporting role in Lost creator J. J. Abrams's short-lived NBC spy drama Undercovers. She is also known for her role as Princess Tiana in the ABC fantasy drama Once Upon A Time and for her role as Detective Nyla Harper in the ABC police drama The Rookie

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Roy Schneider

First Name Roy
Last Name Schneider
Born on May 13, 1939 (age 85)

Roy Lester Schneider is a physician in the United States Virgin Islands who served as the fifth elected governor of that territory from January 5, 1995 to January 4, 1999. He was the fifth elected governor of that territory and the 26th overall.

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Tricia Duncan

First Name Tricia
Born on August 21, 1973 (age 51)

Patricia "Tricia" Duncan is a former swimmer for the U.S. Virgin Islands who participated in the backstroke at the 1988 Summer Olympics. Duncan finished 34th in the 100 m backstroke and 30th in 200 m backstroke. She is the older sister of NBA basketball player Tim Duncan. Duncan attended Swarthmore College.

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Lisa Canning

First Name Lisa
Last Name Canning
Born on November 7, 1966 (age 58)

Lisa Canning is a Virgin Islander American television and radio hostess and correspondent.

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