List of Famous people born in Somalia

Bashir Abdi

First Name Bashir
Last Name Abdi
Born on February 10, 1989 (age 35)
Born in Somalia, Banaadir
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Bashir Abdi is a Somali-born Belgian athlete who specializes in long-distance running. He won the bronze medal in the marathon at the 2020 Summer Olympics. He was also the silver medalist at the 2018 European Athletics Championships in the 10,000 metres event.

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Alexander, Count of Schönburg-Glauchau

First Name Alexander,
Born on August 15, 1969 (age 54)
Born in Somalia

Alexander, Count of Schönburg-Glauchau, known professionally as Alexander von Schönburg, is a German journalist and writer. He is after his older brother’s Carl abdication, the current head of the comital branch of the princely House of Schönburg.

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Mukhtar Ali

First Name Mukhtar
Last Name Ali
Born on October 30, 1997 (age 26)
Born in Saudi Arabia
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Mukhtar Abdullahi Ali is a professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Al-Nassr and the Saudi Arabia national football team. He was born in Jeddah and moved to London as an infant.

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Ali Mahdi Muhammad

First Name Ali
Last Name Muhammad
Born on January 1, 1939
Died on March 10, 2021 (aged 82)

Ali Mahdi Muhammad is a Somali entrepreneur and politician. He served as President of Somalia from January 26, 1991 to January 3, 1997. The Cairo Agreement in December 1997 designated Ali Mahdi as president once again, a position he held until being succeeded by Abdiqasim Salad in the year 2000.

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Nuruddin Farah

First Name Nuruddin
Born on November 24, 1945 (age 78)
Born in Somalia, Bay

Nuruddin Farah is a Somali novelist. His first novel, From a Crooked Rib, was published in 1970 and has been described as "one of the cornerstones of modern East African literature today". He has also written plays both for stage and radio, as well as short stories and essays. Since leaving Somalia in the 1970s he has lived and taught in numerous countries, including the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Sudan, India, Uganda, Nigeria and South Africa.

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Hassan Ali Khayre

First Name Hassan
Last Name Khayre
Born on April 15, 1968 (age 56)
Born in Somalia

Hassan Ali Khaire, popularly known as Hassan Khaire, is a Somali activist and politician and is the former Prime Minister of Somalia. He was appointed on 23 February 2017 by Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed "Farmaajo" and resigned on Saturday July 25th 2020 after MPs passed a disputed vote of no confidence.

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Abdiqasim Salad Hassan

First Name Abdiqasim
Born on January 1, 1941 (age 83)
Born in Somalia, Mudug

Abdiqasim Salad Hassan or Abdiqasim Salad is a Somali politician. He helped found the Transitional National Government which he served as President of Somalia from 2000 to 2004, and previously served as Interior Minister and Finance Minister in the government of Mohamed Siad Barre.

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Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

First Name Hassan
Last Name Mohamud
Born on November 29, 1955 (age 68)
Born in Somalia, Hiran

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is a Somali politician. He is the founder and current chairman of a large political aggregation party which have majority of parliament in both chambers Union for Peace and Development Party, He was the 8th President of Somalia from 16 September 2012 until 16 February 2017. A civil and political activist, Mohamud was previously a university professor and dean. In April 2013, Mohamud was named to the Time 100, TIME magazine's annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. His efforts at advancing national reconciliation, anti-corruption measures, and socio-economic and security sector reforms in Somalia were cited as reasons for the selection.

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Zamzam Mohamed Farah

First Name Zamzam
Last Name Farah
Born on March 19, 1991 (age 33)
Born in Somalia, Banaadir

Zamzam Mohamed Farah is a Somali female athlete from Mogadishu who competes in the Women's 400m. She was one of only two Somali athletes at the 2012 Summer Olympics.

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Sharif Sheikh Ahmed

First Name Sharif
Last Name Ahmed
Born on July 25, 1964 (age 60)
Born in Somalia

Sharif Sheikh Ahmed known as The Father of Modern Somalia because of his achievements during his service as president between 2009 and 2012. He is the founder and leader of Himilo Qaran political party and also the founder and head of the Forum for National Parties of Somalia.

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