List of Famous people born in Sochi, Russia

Vitalia Diatchenko

First Name Vitalia
Born on August 2, 1990 (age 34)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Vitalia Anatolyevna Diatchenko is a Russian professional tennis player. Her career-high singles ranking is world No. 71, which she achieved on 17 November 2014. On 21 February 2011, she peaked at No. 60 in the doubles rankings.

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Alexander Zverev Sr.

First Name Alexander
Last Name Sr.
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Alexander Mikhailovich Zverev is a former professional tennis player from Russia who competed for the Soviet Union.

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Boris Nemtsov

First Name Boris
Last Name Nemtsov
Born on October 9, 1959
Died on February 27, 2015 (aged 55)

Boris Yefimovich Nemtsov was a Russian physicist and liberal politician. Nemtsov was one of the most important figures in the introduction of reforms into the Russian post-Soviet economy. He had a successful political career in the 1990s under President Boris Yeltsin. From 2000 until his death, he was an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin. Nemtsov was assassinated on 27 February 2015, beside his Ukrainian partner Anna Durytska, on a bridge near the Kremlin in Moscow, with four shots fired from the back. In the weeks before his death, Nemtsov expressed fear that Putin would have him killed. In late June 2017, five Chechen men were found guilty by a jury in a Moscow court for agreeing to kill Nemtsov in exchange for 15 million rubles (US$253,000); neither the identity nor whereabouts of the person who hired them is known.

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Andre Geim

First Name Andre
Last Name Geim
Born on October 21, 1958 (age 65)

Sir Andre K. Geim is a Russian-born Dutch-British physicist working in England in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester.

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Zakhar Pashutin

First Name Zakhar
Born on May 3, 1974 (age 50)
Height 196 cm | 6'5

Zakhar Yuryevich Pashutin is a retired Russian professional basketball player and basketball coach. At a height of 1.96 m (6'5"), and a weight of 95 kg, he played as a shooting guard. He was also a member of the senior Russian national team, from 1996 to 2008.

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Sergey Galitsky

First Name Sergey
Born on August 14, 1967 (age 57)
Net Worth $3.5B

Sergey Nikolayevich Galitsky is a Russian billionaire businessman, the founder and co-owner of Magnit, Russia's largest retailer, and president of FC Krasnodar.

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Slava Metreveli

First Name Slava
Born on May 30, 1936
Died on January 7, 1998 (aged 61)
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Slava Kalistratovich Metreveli was a Soviet and Georgian football player manager.

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Evgeniy Pashutin

First Name Evgeniy
Born on February 6, 1969 (age 55)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Evgeniy Yuryevich Pashutin is a retired Russian professional basketball player and currently the head coach for Lokomotiv Kuban of the Russian VTB United League.

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