List of Famous people born in Port Talbot, United Kingdom

Peg Entwistle

First Name Peg
Born on February 5, 1908
Died on September 16, 1932 (aged 24)

Millicent Lilian "Peg" Entwistle was a British stage and screen actress. She began her stage career in 1925, appearing in several Broadway productions. She appeared in only one film, Thirteen Women, which was released posthumously.

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Bernard Fox

Bernard Lawson
First Name Bernard
Last Name Fox
Born on May 11, 1927
Died on December 14, 2016 (aged 89)

Bernard Lawson, better known as Bernard Fox, was a Welsh actor. He is remembered for his roles as Dr. Bombay in the comedy fantasy series Bewitched (1964–1972), Colonel Crittendon in the comedy series Hogan's Heroes (1965–1971), Malcolm Merriweather in The Andy Griffith Show (1963–1965), Colonel Redford in Barnaby Jones (1975), Max in Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo (1977), and Archibald Gracie IV in the disaster film Titanic (1997).

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Geoffrey Howe

First Name Geoffrey
Last Name Howe
Born on December 20, 1926
Died on October 9, 2015 (aged 88)

Richard Edward Geoffrey Howe, Baron Howe of Aberavon,, known from 1970 to 1992 as Sir Geoffrey Howe, was a British Conservative politician.

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Lateysha Grace

First Name Lateysha
Born on November 25, 1992 (age 31)

Lateysha Naomi Henry, known professionally as Lateysha Grace, is a Welsh television personality, businesswoman and model. She began her television career after appearing on the MTV reality series The Valleys (2012–2014), and has since made further television appearances in the seventeenth series of Big Brother (2016), Million Dollar Baby (2018), and Celebrity Ex on the Beach (2020).

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Christopher Evans

First Name Christopher
Last Name Evans

Sir Christopher Thomas Evans is a Welsh biotechnology entrepreneur.

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Edwin Regan

First Name Edwin
Last Name Regan
Born on December 31, 1935 (age 88)

Edwin Regan is a Welsh prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as the second Bishop of Wrexham from 1994 to 2012.

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