List of Famous people born in Pardubice Region, Czech Republic

Oskar Schindler

First Name Oskar
Last Name Schindler
Born on April 28, 1908
Died on October 9, 1974 (aged 66)

Oskar Schindler was a German industrialist and a member of the Nazi Party who is credited with saving the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his enamelware and ammunitions factories in occupied Poland and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. He is the subject of the 1982 novel Schindler's Ark and its 1993 film adaptation, Schindler's List, which reflected his life as an opportunist initially motivated by profit, who came to show extraordinary initiative, tenacity, courage, and dedication to save the lives of his Jewish employees.

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Bedřich Smetana

First Name Bedřich
Died on May 12, 1884

Bedřich Smetana was a Czech composer who pioneered the development of a musical style that became closely identified with his people's aspirations to a cultural and political "revival." He has been regarded in his homeland as the father of Czech music. Internationally he is best known for his opera The Bartered Bride and for the symphonic cycle Má vlast, which portrays the history, legends and landscape of the composer's native Bohemia. It contains the famous symphonic poem "Vltava", also popularly known by its German name "Die Moldau".

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Tomáš Holeš

First Name Tomáš
Last Name Holeš
Born on March 31, 1993 (age 31)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Tomáš Holeš is a Czech football defender. He currently plays for Slavia Prague in the Fortuna Liga and the Czech national team.

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Gert Wilden

First Name Gert
Last Name Wilden
Born on April 15, 1917
Died on September 10, 2015 (aged 98)

Gert Wilden was a German film composer. He was born in Mährisch Trübau. From 1956 through his retirement, he scored music for 50 feature films in numerous genres. However, he is perhaps best known for his music for erotic films in the 1970s, especially the Schoolgirl Report series.

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Josef Ressel

First Name Josef
Last Name Ressel
Born on June 29, 1793
Died on October 9, 1857 (aged 64)

Joseph Ludwig Franz Ressel was an Austrian forester and inventor of Czech-German descent, who designed one of the first working ship's propellers.

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Ondřej Moravec

First Name Ondřej
Last Name Moravec
Born on June 9, 1984 (age 40)
Height 181 cm | 5'11

Ondřej Moravec is a former Czech biathlete.

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Jan Mydlář

First Name Jan
Last Name Mydlář
Born on November 30, 1571
Died on March 14, 1664 (aged 92)

Jan Mydlář (1572–1664) was a 17th-century executioner from Bohemia. He is mostly known for his performance of the 1621 execution of 27 Bohemian Revolt leaders, and is remembered by his red hood-like mask he donned when performing his executions.

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Jiří Paďour

First Name Jiří
Born on April 4, 1943
Died on December 11, 2015 (aged 72)

Jiří Paďour O.F.M. Cap. was Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Prague from 1996 to 2001, and the Bishop of České Budějovice from 2002–2014.

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Václav Tomášek

Václav Jan Křtitel Tomášek
First Name Václav
Born on April 17, 1774
Died on April 3, 1850 (aged 75)

Václav Jan Křtitel Tomášek was an Austrian-Bohemian, by other accounts a Czech composer and music teacher. He was known as the Musical Pope of Prague. In the words of Kenneth Delong, “Highly opinionated, often sarcastic and projecting a sense of his own importance, Tomášek's memoirs also reveal him to be deeply concerned about all things artistic and intellectual: a man of courage and idealism, unflinching in his pursuit of truth in music and in life.”

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Ales Hemsky

First Name Ales
Last Name Hemsky
Born on August 13, 1983 (age 41)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Aleš Hemský is a Czech former professional ice hockey player. He most recently played for the Montreal Canadiens in the National Hockey League (NHL).

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