List of Famous people born in Mozambique

Carlos Queiroz

First Name Carlos
Last Name Queiroz
Born on March 1, 1953 (age 71)

Carlos Manuel Brito Leal de Queiroz, ComIH, is a Portuguese football coach who last managed the Colombia national team. He has served as the manager of his native Portugal's national team on two occasions, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa and Iran, leading South Africa (2002), Portugal (2010) and Iran to the FIFA World Cup. At club level, he has also managed Sporting CP, the New York/New Jersey Metrostars in Major League Soccer and Spanish club Real Madrid. He also had two spells as Alex Ferguson's assistant manager at English club Manchester United.

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Teresa Heinz Kerry

First Name Teresa
Last Name Kerry
Born on October 5, 1938 (age 85)
Born in Mozambique

Teresa Heinz, also known as Teresa Heinz Kerry, is a Portuguese-American businesswoman and philanthropist. Heinz is the widow of former U.S. Senator John Heinz and the wife of former U.S. Secretary of State, longtime U.S. Senator, and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry. Heinz is Chair of the Heinz Endowments and the Heinz Family Philanthropies.

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Paulina Chiziane

First Name Paulina
Last Name Chiziane
Born on June 4, 1955 (age 69)

Paulina "Poulli" Chiziane is an author of novels and short stories in the Portuguese language. She was awarded the 2021 Camões Prize for literature, awarded to writers from Portuguese-speaking countries.

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Alexandre José Maria dos Santos

First Name Alexandre
Last Name Santos
Born on March 18, 1924
Died on September 29, 2021 (aged 97)

Alexandre José Maria dos Santos is a Roman Catholic Mozambican cardinal. He was the first native cardinal of Mozambique.

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Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho

First Name Otelo
Last Name Carvalho
Born on August 31, 1936
Died on July 25, 2021 (aged 84)
Born in Mozambique

Otelo Nuno Romão Saraiva de Carvalho, GCL, is a retired Portuguese military officer. He was the chief strategist of the 1974 Carnation Revolution in Lisbon. After the Revolution, Otelo assumed leadership roles in the first Portuguese Provisional Governments, alongside Vasco Gonçalves and Francisco da Costa Gomes, and as the head of military defense force COPCON. In 1976, Otelo ran in the first Portuguese presidential election, in which he placed second with the base of his support coming from the far-left. In the 1980s Otelo was accused of having involvement with the controversial Forças Populares 25 de Abril.

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Ana Paula Vitorino

First Name Ana
Last Name Vitorino
Born on April 25, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Mozambique

Ana Paula Vitorino is a Portuguese politician who most recently served as Minister of the Sea from 2015 to 2019, in the XXI Constitutional Government. She is a member of the Socialist Party. From 2005 to 2009, Vitorino served as the Secretary of State for Transport.

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Bruno de Carvalho

First Name Bruno
Last Name Carvalho
Born on February 8, 1972 (age 52)
Born in Mozambique

Bruno Miguel de Azevedo Gaspar de Carvalho is a Portuguese sports commentator who was the 42nd president of sports club Sporting CP from 2013 to 2018. He became the first Sporting president to be dismissed by associates of the club.

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António Calvário

First Name António
Last Name Calvário
Born on October 17, 1938 (age 85)
Born in Mozambique

António Calvário da Paz is a Portuguese singer and artist from the late 1950s and 1960s. He represented Portugal in the 1964 Eurovision Song Contest, in Denmark, with the song "Oração".

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Filipe Nyusi

First Name Filipe
Last Name Nyusi
Born on February 9, 1959 (age 65)

Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, born 9 February 1959, is a Mozambican politician serving as the fourth President of Mozambique, in office since 2015. He is the current leader of Frelimo, the party that has governed Mozambique since its independence from Portugal in 1975. The Frelimo government has been described as authoritarian my some journalists. He has served as the Chairman of the Southern African Development Community since August 2020.

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Abel Xavier

First Name Abel
Last Name Xavier
Born on November 30, 1972 (age 51)
Height 189 cm | 6'2

Abel Luís da Silva Costa Xavier is a Portuguese former professional footballer who played as a full back, and is a manager.

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