List of Famous people born in Ilford, United Kingdom

Keith Flint

Keith Charles Flint
First Name Keith
Last Name Flint
Born on September 17, 1969
Died on March 4, 2019 (aged 49)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Keith Charles Flint was an English singer, dancer and motorcycle racer. He was a founding member of the electronic dance act The Prodigy. Starting out as a dancer, he became the frontman of the group and performed on the group's two UK number one singles, "Firestarter" and "Breathe" both released in 1996. He was also the lead singer of his own band, Flint. He owned a motorcycle racing team, Team Traction Control, which won four Isle of Man TT races throughout 2015 and 2016, and competed in the British Superbike Championship.

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