List of Famous people born in Hamburg, Germany

Angela Merkel

Angela Dorothea Kasner
First Name Angela
Last Name Merkel
Born in Germany, Hamburg

Angela Dorothea Merkel is a German politician who has been Chancellor of Germany since 2005. She served as Leader of the Opposition from 2002 to 2005 and as Leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from 2000 to 2018. A member of the Christian Democratic Union, Merkel is the first female chancellor of Germany. Merkel has been widely described as the de facto leader of the European Union, the most powerful woman in the world and by many commentators since 2016 as the "leader of the free world".

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Gerd Heidemann

First Name Gerd
Born on December 4, 1931 (age 93)
Born in Germany, Hamburg

Gerd Heidemann is a German journalist best known for his role in the publication of purported Hitler Diaries that were subsequently proved to be forgeries.

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Hark Bohm

First Name Hark
Last Name Bohm
Born on May 18, 1939 (age 85)
Born in Germany, Hamburg, Altona

Hark Bohm is a German actor, screenwriter, film director, playwright and former professor for cinema studies. He was born in Hamburg-Othmarschen and grew up on the island Amrum. His younger brother was the actor Marquard Bohm, who starred in some of his early films. He is most notable for his long-time collaboration with Rainer Werner Fassbinder.

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Uwe Bohm

Uwe Enkelmann
First Name Uwe
Born on January 23, 1962
Died on April 9, 2022 (aged 60)
Born in Germany, Hamburg

Uwe Bohm is a German actor. He has appeared in over 70 films and television shows since 1976. He starred in the 1990 film Herzlich willkommen, which was entered into the 40th Berlin International Film Festival.

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Niels Annen

First Name Niels
Born on April 6, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Germany, Hamburg

Niels Annen is a German politician and member of the SPD.

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Rüdiger Grube

First Name Rüdiger
Last Name Grube
Born on August 2, 1951 (age 73)
Born in Germany, Hamburg

Rüdiger Grube is a German engineer who served as the chairman of the board of Deutsche Bahn from 2009 until 2017 and as the chairman of EADS from 2007 until 2009.

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Birgit Breuel

Birgit Münchmeyer
First Name Birgit
Last Name Breuel
Born on September 7, 1937 (age 87)
Born in Germany, Hamburg, Altona

Birgit Breuel is a German politician, representative of the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU). She is the former President of the Treuhand Agency, and Commissioner General of the Expo 2000 in Hannover, and later worked in several honorary positions.

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Julia Dingwort-Nusseck

First Name Julia
Last Name Dingwort-Nusseck
Born on October 6, 1921 (age 103)
Born in Germany, Hamburg
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Edgar Ende

Edgar Carl Alfons Ende
First Name Edgar
Last Name Ende
Died on December 27, 1965
Born in Germany, Hamburg

Edgar Karl Alfons Ende was a German surrealist painter and father of the children's novelist Michael Ende.

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Bülent Çelebi

First Name Bülent
Born on January 1, 1976 (age 49)
Born in Germany, Hamburg
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