List of Famous people born in Haidong, People's Republic of China

His Holiness the Dalai Lama 14 Tendzin Gyatso

First Name His
Last Name Gyatso

The 14th Dalai Lama is the current Dalai Lama, the highest spiritual leader of Tibet, and considered a living Bodhisattva, an emanation of Avalokiteśvara. The Dalai Lamas are also leaders of the Gelug school, which is the newest school of Tibetan Buddhism and was formally headed by the Ganden Tripas. From the time of the 5th Dalai Lama to 1959, the central government of Tibet, the Ganden Phodrang, invested the position of Dalai Lama with temporal duties.

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Choekyi Gyaltsen, 10th Panchen Lama

First Name Choekyi
Born on February 19, 1938
Died on January 28, 1989 (aged 50)

Lobsang Trinley Lhündrub Chökyi Gyaltsen, ; was the tenth Panchen Lama, officially the 10th Panchen Erdeni, of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. According to Tibetan Buddhism, Panchen Lamas are living emanations of the buddha Amitaba. He was often referred to simply as Choekyi Gyaltsen.

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Choekyong Tsering

First Name Choekyong
Born on November 30, 1898
Died on November 30, 1946 (aged 48)
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Lobsang Samten

First Name Lobsang
Born on January 1, 1933
Died on September 28, 1985 (aged 52)
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Tubten Jigme Norbu

Died on September 5, 2008 (aged 38)

Thubten Jigme Norbu, recognised as the Taktser Rinpoche, was a Tibetan lama, writer, civil rights activist and professor of Tibetan studies and was the eldest brother of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso. He was one of the first high-profile Tibetans to go into exile and was the first to settle in the United States.

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Gyalo Thondup

First Name Gyalo
Born on January 1, 1928 (age 96)

Gyalo Thondup, born c.1927, is the second-eldest brother of the 14th Dalai Lama. He often acted as the Dalai Lama's unofficial envoy.

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