List of Famous people born in Gatchina

Nicholas I of Russia

Николай Павлович Романов
First Name Nicholas
Last Name Russia
Died on February 18, 1855
Born in Gatchina

Nicholas I reigned as Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland from 1825 until 1855. He was the third son of Paul I and younger brother of his predecessor, Alexander I. Nicholas inherited his brother's throne despite the failed Decembrist revolt against him. He is mainly remembered in history as a reactionary whose controversial reign was marked by geographical expansion, economic growth and massive industrialisation on the one hand, and centralisation of administrative policies and repression of dissent on the other. Nicholas had a happy marriage that produced a large family; all of their seven children survived childhood.

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Prince Vasili Alexandrovich of Russia

First Name Prince
Last Name Russia
Born on June 23, 1907
Died on June 23, 1989 (aged 82)
Born in Gatchina

Prince Vasili Alexandrovich of Russia was the sixth son and youngest child of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia and Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia. He was a nephew of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.

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