List of Famous people born in Comoros

Hamada Madi

First Name Hamada
Last Name Madi
Born on January 1, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Comoros

Hamada Madi, widely known as "Boléro", is a Comorian politician, former Prime Minister and interim President. He is Secretary General of the Indian Ocean Commission.

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Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi

First Name Ahmed
Last Name Sambi
Born on June 5, 1958 (age 66)
Born in Comoros

Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi is a Comorian Islamic leader and politician, and former President of Comoros. He is popularly known as 'Ayatollah'. After easily winning the 14 May 2006 presidential election with 58.02% of the national vote, Sambi was inaugurated as President of the Union of the Comoros on 26 May 2006. It was the first peaceful transfer of power in the history of the Comoros.

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Azali Assoumani

First Name Azali
Born on January 1, 1959 (age 65)
Born in Comoros

Azali Assoumani is a Comorian politician who is the current President of the Comoros, In office since 2016. Previously he was President from 1999 to 2002 and again from 2002 to 2006. He became leader of the Comoros on 30 April 1999 after leading a coup to depose acting president Tadjidine Ben Said Massounde, who he saw as pandering to the independence movement on Anjouan. He won multi-party elections in 2002, prior to which he was constitutionally required to temporarily step down in order to run as a candidate.

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Ikililou Dhoinine

First Name Ikililou
Born on August 14, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Comoros

Ikililou Dhoinine is a Comorian politician who was the President of the Comoros from 2011 to 2016; he was a Vice-President of Comoros from 2006 to 2011.

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