Yuri Khanon

Yuri Khanon
Yuri Khanon

Yuri Khanon is a pen name of Yuri Feliksovich Soloviev-Savoyarov, a Russian composer. Prior to 1993, he wrote under a pen name Yuri Khanin, but later transformed it into Yuri Khanon, spelling it in a pre-1918 Russian style as ХанонЪ. Khanon was born on June 16, 1965 in Leningrad. In 1988, he became a laureate of the European Film Awards, and in 1989, he won "Nika", a Russian cinematographic award. Due to his numerous concerts throughout Russia, as well as to TV and cinema appearances, Khanon reached the peak of his popularity in 1988–1992, but in 1993, decided to stop performing in public.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
June 16th, 1965
Birth Place
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