Yue Fei

Yue Fei
Yue Fei

Yue Fei, courtesy name Pengju, was a Chinese military general, calligrapher, and poet who lived during the Southern Song dynasty. His ancestral home was in Xiaoti, Yonghe Village, Tangyin, Xiangzhou, Henan. He is best known for leading Southern Song forces in the wars in the 12th century between Southern Song and the Jurchen-ruled Jin dynasty in northern China before being put to death by the Southern Song government in 1142 under a concocted charge. He was granted the posthumous name Wumu (武穆) by Emperor Xiaozong in 1169, and later granted the posthumous title King of È (鄂王) by Emperor Ningzong in 1211. Widely seen as a patriot and national folk hero in China, since his death Yue Fei has evolved into a paragon of loyalty in Chinese culture.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
March 24th, 1103
Birth Place
People's Republic of China, Henan, Anyang
Date of Death
January 27th, 1142
Died Aged
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