William de Montacute, 2nd Baron Montacute

William de Montacute, 2nd Baron Montacute
William de Montacute, 2nd Baron Montacute

William Montagu, 2nd Baron Montagu, was an English peer, and an eminent soldier and courtier during the reigns of Edward I and Edward II. He played a significant role in the wars in Scotland and Wales, and was appointed steward of the household to Edward II. Perhaps as a result of the influence of his enemy, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Lancaster, Edward II sent him to Gascony as Seneschal in 1318. He died there in October of the following year.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 1280
Date of Death
October 18th, 1319
Died Aged
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