Vologases V of Parthia

Vologases V of Parthia
Vologases V of Parthia

Vologases V was King of Kings of the Parthian Empire from 191 to 208. As king of Armenia, he is known as Vologases II. Not much is known about his period of kingship of the Armenia, except that he put his son Rev I (r. 186–216) on the Iberian throne in 189. Vologases succeeded his father Vologases IV as king of the Parthian Empire in 191; it is uncertain if the transition of power was peaceful or if Vologases took the throne in a civil war. When Vologases acceded the Parthian throne, he passed the Armenian throne to his son Khosrov I.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 0130
Date of Death
November 30th, 0207
Died Aged
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