Tony Leung

Tony Leung
Tony Leung

Tony Leung Chiu-wai is a Hong Kong actor and singer. He is considered one of Asia's most successful and internationally recognised actors and was named as "Small Tiger" among Five Tiger Generals of TVB. He has won many international acting prizes, including the Cannes Film Festival award for Best Actor for his performance in Wong Kar-wai's film In the Mood for Love. Leung is widely considered the best native Hong Kong actor of his generation. He was named by CNN as one of "Asia's 25 Greatest Actors of All Time".

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
June 27th, 1962
Star Sign
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Broken Sword in Hero
Chow Mo-wan in In the Mood for Love
Chen Wing Yan in Infernal Affairs
Cop 663 in Chungking Express
Chow Mo-wan in 2046
Zhou Yu in Red Cliff
Mr. Yee in Lust, Caution
Ip Man in The Grandmaster
Lai Yiu-fai in Happy Together
Chan Wing Yan in Infernal Affairs III
Albert in Gorgeous
Wen-ching in A City of Sadness
Poet in Cyclo
Li Yilong in Chinese Odyssey 2002
Meng Sing-Wan in Butterfly and Sword
Lin Zai Feng in Europe Raiders
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