Tigranes I

Tigranes I
Tigranes I

Tigranes I of Armenia was a King of Armenia at the end of 2nd and the beginning of 1st century BC. Few records have survived about his and his predecessor Artavasdes I's reign, which has led to some confusion. Some modern scholars have doubted that such a king reigned at all. Contrary to them other researchers, such as Manandian, Lang and Adalian consider him a real figure but differ or are uncertain on the exact dates of his reign. Although it has been proposed that Tigranes I reigned from 123 BC to 96 BC, this view has been criticized. Another suggestion is that Tigranes I ruled in 120 BC - 95 BC and this has been recently corraborated by historian Christian Marek.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, -0151
Date of Death
January 1st, -0095
Died Aged
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