Thomas Haden Church

Thomas Haden Church
Thomas Haden Church

Thomas Haden Church is an American actor, director, and writer. After co-starring in the 1990s sitcom Wings and playing the lead for two seasons in Ned & Stacey, Church became known for his film work, including his Academy Award-nominated performance in Sideways, his characterization of the Sandman in Spider-Man 3 and his role of Lyle van de Groot in George of the Jungle. He also made his directorial debut with Rolling Kansas.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Thomas Richard McMillen
Date of Birth
June 17th, 1960
Birth Place
United States of America, Texas
Star Sign
181 cm | 5'11
Social Networks , Links
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Sandman, Flint Marko in Spider-Man 3
Jack in Sideways
Duncan Mee in We Bought a Zoo
Leo Holt in Daddy's Home
Ansel Smith in Killer Joe
Lyle Van de Groot in George of the Jungle
Ray Wincott in Max
Hartman in All About Steve
Chuck Wetherhold in Smart People
Jay Wilkins in Heaven Is for Real
Johnny Whitefeather in Imagine That
Tom Harte in Broken Trail
Robert in Divorce
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