Thihathura II of Ava

Thihathura II of Ava

Thihathura II of Ava was the joint-king of Ava who co-reigned with his father Minkhaung II for 15 years. When he was just six, his father ascended to the Ava throne and he was made heir-apparent. In 1485, the 11-year-old was made a co-regent. He lived in the same palace with his father, and displayed a white umbrella as a symbol of sovereignty. He co-ruled with his father for 15 years but died a month earlier than his father. Minkhaung, who faced numerous rebellions throughout his reign, made his son joint-king because he wanted to retain loyalty of his son. Minkhaung outlived his son, died in March 1501 and was succeeded by his younger son Shwenankyawshin.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 1474
Birth Place
Myanmar, Mandalay Region
Date of Death
January 1st, 1501
Died Aged
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