Thado Dhamma Yaza II of Prome

Thado Dhamma Yaza II of Prome

Thado Dhamma Yaza II was viceroy of Prome (Pyay) from 1551 to 1588, during the reigns of kings Bayinnaung and Nanda of Toungoo Dynasty of Burma (Myanmar). Having begun his military career in the service of King Tabinshwehti, the youngest full brother of Bayinnaung was part of the small core group loyal to Bayinnaung, following the assassination of Tabinshwehti in 1550. Alongside his brothers Bayinnaung, Minye Sithu, Minkhaung II, Thado Minsaw and his nephew Nanda, he fought in nearly every campaign between 1550 and 1584 that rebuilt, expanded and defended the Toungoo Empire.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1519
Birth Place
Myanmar, Bago
Date of Death
January 1st, 1588
Died Aged
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