Terunofuji Haruo

Terunofuji Haruo
Terunofuji Haruo

Terunofuji Haruo (Japanese: 照ノ富士 春雄, born 29 November 1991 as Gantulgyn Gan-Erdene is a Mongolian professional sumo wrestler from Ulaanbaatar who wrestles for the Isegahama stable. He entered sumo in January 2011, and took the second division jūryō championship in his debut as a sekitori in September 2013. He took the top makuuchi division championship in May 2015, only 25 tournaments after his professional debut, which is third behind the renowned Asashōryū and Takanohana's 23 tournaments. This earned him promotion to sumo's second highest rank of ōzeki. He has been runner-up in four other tournaments, and has four special prizes for Fighting Spirit and Outstanding Performance.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Гантулгын Ган-Эрдэнэ
Date of Birth
November 29th, 1991
Birth Place
Star Sign
192 cm | 6'4
Social Networks , Links
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