

Ashley Támar Davis, known professionally as Támar Davis and sometimes simply Támar, is an American singer who came to prominence through her association with Prince. She sang the co-lead vocals on his Grammy-nominated song "Beautiful, Loved and Blessed" from his 2006 album, 3121 and on backup vocals throughout the album. She made her professional stage debut touring with Prince in 2006 at Manhattan's Nokia Theatre. Támar started her musical career in the group Girl's Tyme, appearing with them on Star Search, but left before the group was renamed Destiny's Child. In 2016, she auditioned for season 10 of the American talent competition The Voice. She was a member of Kanye West's Sunday Service Choir, and is music supervisor for That Damn Michael Che.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
March 31st, 1980
Birth Place
United States of America, Texas
Star Sign
Social Networks , Links
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