Stephen II, Ban of Bosnia

Stephen II, Ban of Bosnia
Stephen II, Ban of Bosnia

Stephen II was the Bosnian Ban from 1314, but in reality from 1322 to 1353 together with his brother, Vladislav Kotromanić in 1326–1353. He was the son of Bosnian Ban Stephen I Kotromanić and Elizabeth, sister of King Stefan Vladislav II. Throughout his reign in the fourteenth century, Stephen ruled the lands from Sava to the Adriatic and from Cetina to Drina. He was a member of the Kotromanić dynasty. He was buried in his Franciscan church in Mile, near Visoko, Bosnia.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 1292
Date of Death
January 1st, 1353
Died Aged
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