Spencer Stone

Spencer Stone
Spencer Stone

Spencer John Stone is an American actor, writer and former United States Air Force staff sergeant. In August 2015, Stone, along with American friends Alek Skarlatos and Anthony Sadler and three other passengers, as well as an off-duty conductor, were travelling from Amsterdam on a high speed, Paris-bound train and disarmed and subdued a solitary, heavily armed Moroccan terrorist. Three days later, French President Francois Hollande awarded Stone, Sadler, and Skarlatos, as well British citizen Chris Norman, the Legion of Honour. Stone was recognized by U.S. Ambassador to France Jane D. Hartley for "his actions in saving countless lives" and by U.S. President Barack Obama, with a ceremony held at The Pentagon to honor the trio. For his bravery, Stone was awarded the Airman's Medal and a Purple Heart.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 13rd, 1992
Birth Place
United States of America, California
Star Sign
Social Networks , Links
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Spencer in The 15:17 to Paris
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