Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington

Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington
Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington

Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington, was a British Whig statesman who served continuously in government from 1715 until his death. He sat in the English and British House of Commons between 1698 and 1728, and was then raised to the peerage and sat in the House of Lords. He served as the prime minister of Great Britain from 1742 until his death in 1743. He is considered to have been Britain's second prime minister, after Robert Walpole, but worked closely with the Secretary of State, Lord Carteret, in order to secure the support of the various factions making up the government.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Date of Death
July 2nd, 1743
Died Aged
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