Soe Min Hteik-Tin of Toungoo

Soe Min Hteik-Tin of Toungoo

Soe Min Hteik-Tin was the chief queen consort of Toungoo from 1510 to 1530. Her reign title was Thiri Atula Maha Nanda Dewi. She was a daughter of Viceroy Min Sithu of Toungoo. In 1485, her first cousin Mingyi Nyo assassinated her father because he had refused give her in marriage to Nyo. She became the chief queen consort in 1510 when Nyo declared independence from Ava (Inwa). On 11 April 1511, at the coronation ceremony, she was crowned the chief queen with the title Thiri Atula Maha Nanda Dewi ).

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1459
Birth Place
Myanmar, Bago
Date of Death
November 30th, 1529
Died Aged
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