Sir Richard Wallace, 1st Baronet

Sir Richard Wallace, 1st Baronet
Sir Richard Wallace, 1st Baronet

Sir Richard Wallace, 1st Baronet, of Sudbourne Hall in Suffolk, Hertford House in London, of Antrim Castle, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, of 2 Rue Laffitte, Paris, and of the Château de Bagatelle in Paris, was a British art collector and Francophile. Based on the Return of Owners of Land, 1873 he was the 24th richest man in the United Kingdom and the 73rd largest landowner, holding in total 72,307 acres, with a total annual value of £86,737. In addition he had valuable property in Paris and one of the greatest private art collections in the world, part of which, now known as the Wallace Collection, was donated to the UK Government by his widow, in accordance with his wishes.

From *,
General Info
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Date of Death
July 20th, 1890
Died Aged
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