Shwe Zin Gon

Shwe Zin Gon

Shwe Zin Gon was the chief queen of King Bayin Htwe of Prome. She was of Ava royalty, and a daughter of Mingyi Swa, viceroy of Prome. In 1482, her paternal uncle Thado Minsaw took over Prome, and declared himself king. Thado Minsaw raised her mother Saw Myat Lay to chief queen. Shwe Zin Gon herself was later married to her first cousin Bayin Htwe, the eldest son of Thado Minsaw. Her eldest son Narapati was king of Prome from 1532 to 1539.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1469
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