Shin Mi-Nauk

Shin Mi-Nauk
Shin Mi-Nauk

Shin Mi-Nauk was a senior queen consort of King Minkhaung I of Ava from 1400 to 1407. She was the mother of Crown Prince Minye Kyawswa, who is one of the most celebrated generals in Burmese history, and King Thihathu of Ava. Mi-Nauk was a daughter of Hsongamhpa, the saopha (chief) of Shan state of Mohnyin. She was married to Minkhaung, son King Swa Saw Ke of Ava when Ava and Mohnyin were in a rare period of good relations in 1389. From 1391 to 1395, she gave birth to three sons, Minye Kyawswa, Minye Thihathu and Minye Kyawhtin, and a daughter, Saw Pyei Chantha at Pyinzi, which was Minkhaung's fief.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1373
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