Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek Pinault is a Mexican and American film actress and producer. She began her career in Mexico starring in the telenovela Teresa and starred in the film El Callejón de los Milagros for which she was nominated for an Ariel Award. In 1991, Hayek moved to Hollywood and came to prominence with roles in films such as Desperado (1995), From Dusk till Dawn (1996), Wild Wild West, and Dogma.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Salma Valgarma Hayek Jiménez
Date of Birth
September 2nd, 1966
Birth Place
Mexico, Veracruz
Star Sign
156 cm | 5'1
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Roxanne Chase-Feder in Grown Ups
Carolina in Desperado
Kitty Softpaws in Puss in Boots
Frida Kahlo in Frida
Rita Escobar in Wild Wild West
Bella Flores in Here Comes the Boom
Lola Cirillo in After the Sunset
Isabel Fuentes Whitman in Fools Rush In
Sara Sandoval in Bandidas
Queen of Longtrellis in Tale of Tales
Anita in 54
Martha Beck in Lonely Hearts
Everly in Everly
Beatriz in Beatriz at Dinner
Camilla in Ask the Dust
Claire Luna in Like a Boss
Kolko in Chain of Fools
Nancy Teagarten in Drunk Parents
Lola in Living It Up
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