Saigū no Nyōgo

Saigū no Nyōgo
Saigū no Nyōgo

Princess Kishi was a Japanese Waka poet of the middle Heian period. She is one of only five women numbered as one of the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals. As her name implies, she was a princess of the Imperial Family of Japan. She was one of Emperor Murakami's consorts, and gave birth to one daughter, Imperial Princess Kishi, and a son. Through her father, Imperial Prince Shigeakira, she was the granddaughter of Emperor Daigo. Prior to becoming a consort she served as Ise Priestess, chief priestess of the Ise Shrine.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 0928
Date of Death
January 1st, 0985
Died Aged
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