Ruth Gemmell

Ruth Gemmell
Ruth Gemmell

Ruth Gemmell is an English actress, known for her role in the 1997 film Fever Pitch. She is also known for her work on the television show Utopia as Jen Dugdale and the role of Carly Beaker in the Tracy Beaker franchise. In 1996, Gemmell appeared in eight episodes of the television show Silent Witness as Detective Constable Kerry Cox, then as other characters in single episodes in 2006 and 2014. Gemmell has also guest starred in several shows, including Casualty during 2014 and an episode of Midsomer Murders in 2015. She has been a leading character in the ITV series Home Fires, playing the role of cleric's wife Sarah Collingbourne.

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Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
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Jen Dugdale in Utopia
Sarah Collingborne in Home Fires
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