Ron Howard

Ron Howard
Ron Howard

Ronald William Howard is an American film director, producer and actor. Howard first came to prominence as a child actor, guest-starring in several television series, including an episode of The Twilight Zone. He gained national attention for playing young Opie Taylor, the son of Sheriff Andy Taylor in the sitcom The Andy Griffith Show from 1960 through 1968. During this time, he also appeared in the musical film The Music Man (1962), a critical and commercial success. He was credited as Ronny Howard in his film and television appearances from 1959 to 1973. Howard was cast in one of the lead roles in the coming-of-age film American Graffiti (1973), and became a household name for playing Richie Cunningham in the sitcom Happy Days, a role he would play from 1974 through 1980.

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General Info
Full Name
Ronald William Howard
Date of Birth
March 1st, 1954
Birth Place
United States of America, Oklahoma
Star Sign
174 cm | 5'9
Social Networks , Links
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Directed works
Gillom Rogers in The Shootist
Richie Cunningham, Asst. DA Cecil Cunningham in Happy Days
Opie Taylor in The Andy Griffith Show
Steve Bolander in More American Graffiti
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