Robert Wagner

Robert Wagner
Robert Wagner

Robert John Wagner Jr. is an American actor of stage, screen, and television, best known for starring in the television shows It Takes a Thief (1968–1970), Switch (1975–1978), and Hart to Hart (1979–1984). He also had a recurring role as Teddy Leopold in the TV sitcom Two and a Half Men (2007–2008) and made twelve guest appearances (2010-2019) as Anthony DiNozzo Sr. in the police procedural NCIS.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Robert John Wagner
Date of Birth
February 10th, 1930
Birth Place
United States of America, Michigan
Star Sign
181 cm | 5'11
Social Networks , Links
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George Lytton in The Pink Panther
Bill Krieger in Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
Jonathan Hart in Hart to Hart
Gifford Rogers in Titanic
George Lytton in Curse of the Pink Panther
Bud Corliss in A Kiss Before Dying
Joe Devereaux in Broken Lance
Dr. Kevin Harrison in The Concorde ... Airport '79
Prince Valiant in Prince Valiant
Christopher 'Chris' Teller in The Mountain
Erding in Winning
Tony Petrakis in Beneath the 12-Mile Reef
Werner von Gerlach in The Condemned of Altona
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