Robert Stroud

Robert Stroud
Robert Stroud

Robert Franklin Stroud, known as the "Birdman of Alcatraz", was a convicted murderer, American federal prisoner and author who has been cited as one of the most notorious criminals in the United States. During his time at Leavenworth Penitentiary, he reared and sold birds and became a respected ornithologist, although regulations did not allow him to keep birds at Alcatraz, where he was incarcerated from 1942 to 1959. Stroud was never released from the federal prison system; he was imprisoned from 1909 to his death in 1963.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 28th, 1890
Birth Place
United States of America, Washington
Date of Death
November 21st, 1963
Died Aged
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