Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Downey Jr.

Robert John Downey Jr. is an American actor and producer. His career has been characterized by critical and popular success in his youth, followed by a period of substance abuse and legal troubles, before a resurgence of commercial success in middle age. In 2008, Downey was named by Time magazine among the 100 most influential people in the world, and from 2013 to 2015, he was listed by Forbes as Hollywood's highest-paid actor. His films have grossed over $14.4 billion worldwide, making Downey the sixth-highest-grossing box office star of all-time.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Robert John Downey
Date of Birth
April 4th, 1965
Birth Place
United States of America, New York, New York City
Star Sign
172 cm | 5'8
Social Networks , Links
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Tony Stark, Iron Man in The Avengers
Tony Stark in Iron Man
Tony Stark, Iron Man in Avengers: Infinity War
Tony Stark, Iron Man in Avengers: Endgame
Tony Stark in Iron Man 3
Tony Stark, Iron Man in Avengers: Age of Ultron
Tony Stark in Iron Man 2
Tony Stark, Iron Man in Captain America: Civil War
Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock Holmes
Paul Avery in Zodiac
Tony Stark, Iron Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming
Kirk Lazarus - Hot LZ in Tropic Thunder
Peter Highman in Due Date
Harry Lockhart in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Hank Palmer in The Judge
Marvin in Chef
James Barris in A Scanner Darkly
Royce in U.S. Marshals
Pete Graham in Gothika
Charles Spencer Chaplin in Chaplin
Nathan Gardner in Charlie Bartlett
Steve Lopez in The Soloist
Terry Crabtree in Wonder Boys
Dr. John Dolittle in Dolittle
Billy in Air America
Peter Wright in Only You
Thomas Reilly in Heart and Souls
Lionel Sweeney in Fur
Tommy Larson in Home for the Holidays
Merivel in Restoration
Clyde Pell in The Gingerbread Man
Dan Dark in The Singing Detective
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