Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin
Ricky Martin

Enrique Martín Morales, better known as Ricky Martin, is a Puerto Rican singer, songwriter, actor, author, record producer and humanitarian who is known as the "King of Latin Pop" and the "Latin Music King". He began his career at age 12 with the all-boy pop group Menudo. After five years with the group, he released several Spanish-language solo albums throughout the 1990s. Since the beginning of his solo career in 1991, Ricky Martin has become one of the best-selling Latin music artists of all time with over 70 million records worldwide. He also ranks among the most influential Latin artists of all time and the greatest music video artists of all time.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Enrique Martín Morales
Date of Birth
December 24th, 1971
Birth Place
Puerto Rico
Star Sign
182 cm | 6'0
Social Networks , Links
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