Richard Vincent, Baron Vincent of Coleshill

Richard Vincent, Baron Vincent of Coleshill
Richard Vincent, Baron Vincent of Coleshill

Field Marshal Richard Frederick Vincent, Baron Vincent of Coleshill, was a British Army officer. After serving with British Army of the Rhine he served with the Commonwealth Brigade in Malaysia during the Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation. He commanded 12th Light Air Defence Regiment in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, for which he was awarded the Distinguished Service Order, and later commanded 19th Airportable Brigade. Although he never served as one of the individual service heads, he went on to be Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff in the late 1980s and then Chief of the Defence Staff in the aftermath of the Gulf War. He subsequently became Chair of the Military Committee of NATO in the mid-1990s.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 23rd, 1931
Date of Death
September 8th, 2018
Died Aged
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