Ram Krishna Dhakal

Ram Krishna Dhakal
Ram Krishna Dhakal

Ram Krishna Dhakal is one of the most popular singing stars in the realm of Nepali music and singing genre since he started singing the Nepali songs. Ram Krishna Dhakal is a prominent popular and talented well known Modern, Pop, Playback Singer as well Actor and judge of a reality show of Nepal show like Nepali Tara. Many consider him only second to the singing maestro late Narayan Gopal, who is respected as the king of melody in the Nepali speaking world. Ram Krishna Dhakal has become one of the most popular singing stars in the realm of Nepali music and singing genre since he started singing the Nepali songs. He is currently a judge of Nepalese Television Reality show Nepal Star.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 23rd, 1974
Birth Place
Province No. 2
Star Sign
Social Networks , Links
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