Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray
Rachael Ray

Rachael Domenica Ray is an American television personality, businesswoman, celebrity cook and author. She hosts the syndicated daily talk and lifestyle program Rachael Ray, and the Food Network series 30 Minute Meals. Other programs to her credit include Rachael Ray's Tasty Travels, $40 a Day, Rachael Ray's Week In A Day and the reality format shows Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity Cook-Off, and Rachael Ray's Kids Cook-Off. Ray has written several cookbooks based on the 30 Minute Meals concept, and launched a magazine Every Day with Rachael Ray, in 2006. Ray's television shows have won three Daytime Emmy Awards.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 25th, 1968
Birth Place
United States of America, New York
Star Sign
159 cm | 5'3
Social Networks , Links
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