Pressiyan II

Pressiyan II
Pressiyan II

Presian, sometimes referred to as Presian II was probably the oldest son of the last tsar of the First Bulgarian Empire, Ivan Vladislav, who after the Byzantine conquest of Bulgaria entered Byzantine service, until his involvement in a conspiracy to usurp the throne in c. 1029. He was blinded and tonsured, after which he disappears from the historical record. It is possible, however, that in later life he emigrated to Hungary, as a tombstone of a certain "Prince Presian" has been found, in what is now Slovakia, giving his date of death as 1060/61.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 0996
Birth Place
North Macedonia, Ohrid Municipality
Date of Death
November 30th, 1060
Died Aged
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