Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel
Peter Gabriel

Peter Brian Gabriel is an English singer, songwriter, musician, record producer and activist. He rose to fame as the original lead singer of the progressive rock band Genesis. After leaving Genesis in 1975, he launched a successful solo career with "Solsbury Hill" as his first single. His 1986 album, So, is his best-selling release and is certified triple platinum in the UK and five times platinum in the U.S. The album's most successful single, "Sledgehammer", won a record nine MTV Awards at the 1987 MTV Video Music Awards and, according to a report in 2011, it was MTV's most played music video of all time.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Peter Brian Gabriel
Date of Birth
February 13rd, 1950
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Star Sign
179 cm | 5'10
Social Networks , Links
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