Perdiccas I of Macedon

Perdiccas I of Macedon
Perdiccas I of Macedon

Perdiccas I was king of the ancient kingdom of Macedon. Herodotus stated:

"From Argos fled to the country of the Illyrians three brothers of the descendants of Temenus, Gauanes, Aeropus, and Perdiccas; and passing over Illyria from the mountains they came into the upper parts of Macedonia to the city of Lebaia." "Now that these descendants of Perdiccas are Greeks, as they themselves say, I myself chance to know and will prove it in the later part of my history."

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, -0700
Birth Place
Greece, Peloponnese Region
Date of Death
January 1st, -0700
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