Pentti Holappa

Pentti Holappa
Pentti Holappa

Pentti Vihtori Holappa was a Finnish poet, writer and politician. Born in Ylikiiminki to a relatively poor family of modest means, he held numerous jobs before becoming a political journalist and eventually obtaining a government post. He was self-educated, but produced around fifteen volumes of poetry, as well as several novels and essays. He also worked as a translator; among the poets and authors whose work he translated into Finnish are Charles Baudelaire, Pierre Reverdy, and J. M. G. Le Clézio. He received the Finlandia Prize in 1998 for his novel Ystävän muotokuva: Portrait of a Friend.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Pentti Vihtori Holappa
Date of Birth
August 11st, 1927
Birth Place
Finland, Northern Ostrobothnia, Oulu
Date of Death
October 10th, 2017
Died Aged
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