Owen de la Pole

Owen de la Pole

Owen de la Pole, also known as Owain ap Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn, was the heir presumptive to the Welsh principality of Powys Wenwynwyn until 1283 when it was abolished by the Parliament of Shrewsbury. He became the 1st Lord of Powis after the death of his father Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn c. 1287. He is not related to the English de la Pole family descended from William de la Pole, Chief Baron of the Exchequer in the following century, later Earls and Dukes of Suffolk.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1256
Birth Place
United Kingdom
Date of Death
November 30th, 1292
Died Aged
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