Orophernes of Cappadocia

Orophernes of Cappadocia
Orophernes of Cappadocia

Orophernes Nicephorus was one of the two sons Antiochis pretended to have had with Ariarathes IV, the king of Cappadocia because she failed to have children. However, she then did bear a child, Mithridates, and told her husband about the fake sons. These were sent to Rome and Ionia respectively to avoid a succession dispute with the legitimate son, whose name was changed to Ariarathes and who succeeded his father as Ariarathes V in 163 BC. A few years later Orophernes deposed him with the help of Demetrius I Soter, who became the king of the Syria-based Seleucid Empire in 161 BC when he overthrew Antiochus V, an underage king, and his regent, Lysias. The reign of Orophernes was short-lived. The Romans restored Ariarathes V.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, -0200
Date of Death
January 1st, -0200
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