Olaf II of Norway

Olaf II of Norway
Olaf II of Norway

Olaf II Haraldsson, later known as Saint Olaf, was King of Norway from 1015 to 1028. Son of Harald Grenske, a petty king in Vestfold, Norway, he was posthumously given the title Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae and canonised at Nidaros (Trondheim) by Bishop Grimkell, one year after his death in the Battle of Stiklestad on 29 July 1030. His remains were enshrined in Nidaros Cathedral, built over his burial site. His sainthood encouraged the widespread adoption of Christianity by Scandinavia's Vikings/Norsemen.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 0992
Birth Place
Norway, Viken
Date of Death
July 29th, 1030
Died Aged
Star Sign
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