Nijō Kanemoto

Nijō Kanemoto

Nijō Kanemoto , son of regent Nijō Yoshizane and adopted son of Nijō Morotada, was a Japanese kugyō of the Kamakura period (1185–1333) of Japan. He held regent positions sesshō in 1298 and kampaku from 1300 to 1305. Regent Nijō Michihira was his son born by a concubine. His wife was a daughter of regent Kujō Tadanori; she gave birth to a son who was adopted by the Imakōji family and became known as Imakōji Yoshifuyu, and a daughter who later married Kujō Fusazane.

From *,
General Info
Date of Death
September 20th, 1334
Died Aged
Social Networks , Links
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